Call for Submissions: The 2023 Two-Way Mentorship Program
Ground Floor in association with Talk Is Free Theatre is excited to launch a paid Two-Way Mentorship Program with support from the Canada Council for the Arts. Two-Way Mentorship pairs theatre practitioners of all disciplines across the country in a multi-generational, bilateral exchange of ideas, information, and experiences. In the Two-Way Mentorship model, both parties are mentors to one another, receiving and imparting wisdom in equal measure.
Participants will meet online from September to late November 2023, and will receive an honorarium of $1,000 for 5 group meetings and 6 one-on-one meetings with their partner, over the course of 11 weeks.
We are recruiting both emerging and established theatre artists from across all disciplines. THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS FRIDAY, JUNE 30th. All applicants will receive a confirmation of receipt of their submission, and will be notified by early August as to whether we are able to offer them a mentor pairing in this round of the program.
Attendance is required (or in the case of the ‘Green Rooms’ - strongly encouraged) for the following dates/times. Please assess to the best of your ability if you’re available in advance of applying. All events are VIRTUAL:
Sunday, Sept.10th, 8:00 - 10:00 am EST OR 8:00 -10:00 pm EST: Program Orientation
Monday, Sept. 11th, 2:00 -5:00 pm EST: ARCS Orientation
Week of Sept. 18th - Week of Nov. 13th: Weekly one-on-one meetings with your partner at your mutual convenience
Monday, Oct. 2nd: GREEN ROOM (optional group session)
Monday, Oct. 16th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm EST: TINK (Think Imagine Navigate Kindle!: creative hack-a-thon with guest artist!)
Monday, Oct. 30th: GREEN ROOM (optional group session)
Friday, Nov. 17th: Program Feedback Due
Monday, Nov. 27th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm EST: CLOSING NIGHT PARTY!
Please fill out this SUBMISSION FORM:
Resume (PDF)
Brief video (details below)
For your submission video, please answer the questions below. Given that the mentorship sessions will be over Zoom, we encourage you to simulate that here: flick on your camera, hit record, and talk to us. Keep it casual, and please no longer than 3 - 4 minutes! Refer to your notes if you want; make it up as you go along; speak to us from your heart. If you’d prefer to submit in another format, please send a voice memo, write out your thoughts, or contact us to discuss other options.
Tell us about yourself. Tell us about a project you’ve done in art or life (or both) that you are proud of. (Aim for 1 minute)
What are some values you uphold in your artistic practice? (Aim for 30 seconds)
What does the term “Two-Way Mentorship” mean to you? Do you have experience with mentorship? What do you feel you can give to, and what do you hope to receive from, a two-way mentorship? (Aim for 1 minute)
Give us a 30-second “mini TED talk” on something you are passionate or knowledgable about - theatre or otherwise, big or small! Have fun! If you need a prompt, consider the following:
“In my hypothetical TED talk I would teach or explain how to…write a solo show/meditate/recycle set designs/grow vegetables from seed, etc.”
Please link your video in the submission form as an UNLISTED Youtube link. Here’s a guide on how to do so: (
If you require further assistance with uploading an UNLISTED video to Youtube, please contact us. And again, if you’d prefer to submit in another format - eg. voice memo or written response - please feel free to do so.
Thanks to all applicants for your interest. We will contact selected participants by the end of July.
For any questions, or if you require any assistance with this application, please reach out to us at We look forward to hearing from you!
This program is created, administered, and facilitated by five artists from equity-deserving groups (BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+, women-identifying) who are invested in serving the needs of their communities and beyond. We encourage folks of all backgrounds and abilities to apply, and commit to co-creating an holistically inclusive environment, built up - with program participants - from the ground floor. Past iterations of this program have accommodated participants with a variety of access needs. If you require an accommodation in the application process, please feel free to contact us. We will make our best efforts to meet any accommodation requests that we receive before the submission deadline.
Q: I have participated in a previous round of Two-Way Mentorship. Am I allowed to apply again?
A: Yes! Previous participants of the program are welcome to apply again for this current round.
Q: Are all sessions held over Zoom?
A: Yes all sessions will be held over Zoom.
Q: Can out of town artists apply and participate in the program?
A: Yes! This is a nation-wide call. This program is open to anyone in Canada. All legal residents are welcome to apply.
Q: I am a Canadian resident but will be based outside of the country during some of the listed dates. Can I still apply?
A: As long as you can make the scheduled group sessions and the individual 1-1 sessions with your partner over Zoom and you are a legal resident of Canada you can apply.